Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas Tree
- Natur Baum - natural Tree
- künstlicher Baum - artificial Tree
- großer Baum > 2m - big tree > 10 feet
- Innenraum Baum - indoor tree
- Außenraum Baum - outdoor tree
- kleiner Baum < 2m - small tree |< 10 feet
- mit Wachskerzen - with waxcandles
- mit elektrischem Licht - with electric light
- Kunst/Skulptur - art/sculpture
- Malerei/Grafik - painting/graphic
- Video/Animation - video/animation
- Detail - close up
- ohne Decoration - without decoration
Dekoration - Accessoires
- weisse kugeln - wihte bauble
- gelbe Kugeln - yellow baubles
- rote Kugeln - red baubles
- blaue Kugeln - blue baubles
- orange Kugeln - orange baubles
- hellblaue Kugeln - light blue baubles
- schwarze Kugeln - black baubles
- violette Kugeln - violet baubles
- silberne Kugeln - silver baubles
- goldene Kugeln - golden baubles
- Engel - Angel
- Lametta - Tinsel/Ribbon
- Sterne - Stars
- Süßigkeiten - Sweets
- Figuren - Figures
- Kerzen - Candle
- elektrische Kerzen - electric candles
- ohne - none
- grüne Kugeln - green baubles
- Geschenke - presents
- Lichterkette - light chain
- Lichternetz - lightnet
- Glocken - bells
- Blumen - flowers
- Ornamente - ornaments
- Glas Kugeln - glass baubles
- Schnee - snow
Westlake Mall at Xmas
Hinzugefügt von tree scout am 21.11.2009

88447 Aufrufe/Hits
Seattle, United States
Maße / Größe:

Foto by Joe Mabel
Hey, Hope you get more sleep tonight I can't help much, but to say that I'm a light sleeepr (I wake up even for shifting my position, or when he shifts position) I used to be worse before leaving home , INSA cured that by imposing the environment (I used to not stand light when going to bed , or noise, well having a room mate and the fridge just behind my bed + being much more tired than in highschool cured that straight away). I'm sort of half thankful, now I can fall asleep faster when nothing haunts me like it happened to you The worst part is that trying to fall asleep when I'm not tired does the same to me, I jump thoughts and then, even worse, realize I'm doing it and try to recover the total line of thought that brought me there in the first place Luckily, I like waking up early, I have energy all day, but I also kind of fall down at about 10-10:30 with some movie /series so that's how I avoid the thinking Good luck with you two finding the good wake up time !:*